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Rebuilding Stronger Marriages through Marital Counseling on the East Coast

Solid and close family relationships are essential for successful addiction recovery, especially spousal support. However, when we introduce drugs or alcohol, problems arise. They cause mistrust, financial stressors, and sometimes legal issues, resulting in a dysfunctional relationship that can seemingly be broken beyond repair, even after drugs and alcohol are no longer involved. In a marital relationship, family and financial goals are a team effort. Drugs and alcohol cost money and take time away from the family or work, resulting in unemployment, anger, and resentment.

The Counseling Center provides guidance from licensed therapists in marriage counseling to address the traumas, stress, and negative fallout that addiction has caused the relationship and the family. Marriage counseling helps a couple open up communication to share complex feelings and issues and address enabling behavior in a safe environment without backlash, guiding the couple toward a healthy relationship. It’s important to remember addiction or mental illness affects more than the individual. Everyone around them is affected and needs treatment and care to recover and get back to a place of happiness and peace.